High temperature water purged from the boiler’s “surface” blow-off system carries valuable heat energy that is normally lost to the drain.
Although this seems wasteful, with the Hurst heat recovery system this discarded wasted energy can be reclaimed and transferred to the boiler make-up water with an increase of overall efficiency.
or more of this continuous heat loss from this necessary and vital procedure. The continuous blowdown system controls boiler water quality and operating efficiency by removing suspended and dissolved solids from the surface water in the boiler vessel.
- Factory installed in the make-up water tank
- Includes steam trap trim piping
- Return on investment is possible in less than 12 months
- 316 stainless steel heat exchanger for long life and erosion resistant
- Reclaim up to 90% of the heat energy from surface water blow-off that would be lost
down the drain - Lower temperature of blowdown discharge to drain to meet local requirements