The completely new and innovative Hurst EGO Series Boiler can be fired with any of three different fuels - gas, oil, or electricity.
Designed on the Hurst Euro Series footprint, the EGO Series can produce power either by gas or oil utilizing a burner, and/or by electricity using a configuration of resistive electric elements to achieve desired horsepower totals.

Hurst EGO Series 3-Fuel Boiler. These EGO Series Boilers can be fired with any of three different fuels - gas, oil or via electricity. Designed
on the Hurst Euro Series footprint, the EGO Series can produce power
either by gas or oil utilizing a burner, and/or by electricity using a
configuration of resistive electric elements to achieve desired
horsepower totals. Multiple combinations of combustible fuels and
electricity and various maximum capacities can be engineered by Hurst to
meet specification.
Advantages: The EGO boiler has a significantly smaller
footprint and provides more water and steam volume compared to a
conventional boiler design. It eliminates downtime on switch-back from
electricity to gas operation. This reduces the risk of losing system
pressure and maximizes electricity on equal consumption. It can reduce
the use of a stationary engineer to close the redundant boiler or switch
to electricity-only operation when you have reduced steam consumption.
The Hurst EGO Series boiler is factory packaged to include a Stackmaster
Economizer to maximize efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
- Boilers can be fired with any of three different fuels, gas, oil or via electricity.
- Engineered to work simultaneously or independently on combustion or electricity.
- Multiple combinations of combustible fuels and electricity and various maximum capacities available.
- Smaller footprint with more water and steam volume available.
- Designed for high steam pressure.
- Stackmaster Economizer included to maximize efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Scotch Boiler Series
While our EGO may be designed on Hurst Euro Series footprint. It has the compacity to also be installed on our Series 400 and 500. Our two-pass, three-pass or four-pass Scotch Marine(Fire Tube) boilers are available in dryback, wetback, steam or hot water versions; from 15 to 800 hp with pressures to 300 psig. Hurst Scotch Marine boilers are rated to 81% minimum efficiency.

The use of deaerators has long been used in power plants and water tube-type boilers, primarily because they remove undissolved oxygen and raise the temperature of the feedwater. These advantages are important today for firetube boilers as well, due to higher capital investments. Operating costs can be reduced by recovering flash steam when returned by high-temperature condensate. This feature also raises the feedwater temperature, thus requiring less boiler fuel to convert the feedwater to usable steam. Boiler tubes, condensate lines, and process piping have a much longer useful life by eliminating the pitting action of untreated water. This advantage alone justifies the cost of an “OXY-MISER” deaerator.
Packaged Deaerator Systems, 5,000 to 200,000 PPH.
Conditions feedwater to 0% CO2 and .005cc/liter of oxygen.
The Hurst Boiler Firemaster Integrated Control System, an Industrial Internet-of-Things (IIoT) powered solution that delivers next-level boiler innovation and technology. Ideal for any industry, this advanced solution offers users the ability to remotely monitor boiler systems from anywhere, providing alerts and insights as well as actionable controls that help increase reliability, efficiency, safety, and sustainability in the boiler room. Integration of equipment and IT systems and has become essential for efficient operation of facilities of all sizes. Hurst developed and offers a full line of processor-based smart controls fully compatible with all Hurst designs including alternative fuel models, including existing boiler upgrade, and retrofit options for this new technology. Precise control of fuel and combustion air can result in very high efficiencies for boilers. Hurst intelligent control systems allow you to harness these savings while increasing overall boiler plant productivity.