EPC de agua sobrecalentada para la Planta De Central Cervecera de Colombia - Heineken. 30 MW térmicos, 170°C, 20 barg. calderas Hurst Boiler de 1500 BHP, gas natural y biogas, operando con mezcla, quemador Oilon, con aire precalentado a 120°C, precalentador de aire aitesa recuperando calor residual de gases de combustion, bombas Grundfos, tanques de estratificacion, tanques de expansion, instrumentacion Endress & Hauser. Proyecto ejecutado en Sesquile, a 1 hora de Bogota, por las empresas Thermodynamics & Engineering (Colombia) y Energia Boilers (USA).
3 or 4 PASS SCOTCH MARINE DESIGN with Wetback Construction/Combustion. Fuel: Gas or Oil with Combo Electric
Boiler World Africa
Increase Your Boiler's Efficiency with Hurst Stackmaster
Engineered to fit easily in a 40 ft shipping container.
A General Mills mill burns oat hulls as a clean, renewable energy.
Steam, Hot Water, Wood, Biomass and Waste Fired Boilers
High Efficiency Integrated Control Systems
Central Steam Boiler Plant for a Rural Hospital at Colquitt County Regional Medical Center
New Parkland Hospital Central Utility Plant (CUP)
Tommy Hurst at 2012 Power-Gen International Show
Eagle Creek Growers go green with Hurst Biomass system
UI continues sustainability push with new biomass boiler
HVAC Solution - powerful software to streamline your mechanical systems design.
Take control of your Hurst Boiler installation with powerful software
HURST Integrated Control Systems Demo Module