MasterSpec® allows designers, architects, and engineers to select expertly written specification content for thousands of products without having to waste time writing detailed explanations that already exist. Subscribers to MasterSpec® can pick and choose the Basis of Design content and documentation needed for their project and accelerate the process with Hurst Boiler on MasterSpec®. In order to help designers with a specification description that fully explains our products and how they should be installed, among other details, Hurst has included complete product specification entries encompassing a broad spectrum of our Fire-tube Boiler Product Line. The AIA section, 235239 Fire-Tube Boilers, will now help designers quickly add necessary descriptions, specs and easily access CAD files and PDF drawings when specifying Hurst’s products, providing them with a tool that saves them time and money. When working with an engineer or architect over the phone we can now say: “Just let me send you my MasterSpec”
To Access Hurst Boiler on Product MasterSpec® Click Here.
Manufacturers have always struggled with how to get their products specified consistently and reliably. But their guide specifications usually don't have the right content. Now that Product MasterSpec has come along, they will have a specification tool that design professionals will be able to recognize instantly because it is written by MasterSpec professionals who know what kind of information an architect wants in a specification
William Dyer, AIA, CSI, President William Dyer & Associates
- MasterSpec is a respected brand among architects, engineers, and specifiers
- Leverage a pre-edited spec to describe the unique attributes of your product
- Get the right information in front of the right people at the right time
- Get up-to-date product information in front of architects, engineers, and specifiers
MasterSpec, the most comprehensive master guide specification system available, is used by members of the Architectural & Engineering (A/E) Community to create project specifications.
MasterSpec is a product of the American Institute of Architects and is developed and published exclusively by Avitru.