Process Heating & Cooling | July 13, 2022
The Hurst internal stack economizer is a factory-optional device that is designed to increase the operating efficiency of a boiler, cutting down on its operational costs over the lifetime of the boiler.
Hurst Boiler | April 24, 2020
Over the past two weeks, many of the state advocates for wood heating across the country have mobilized to make clear that the BTU Act will be imperative to our industry's recovery.
Daily Iowan | August 6, 2014
University of Iowa officials are testing a new renewable energy source they hope could make the campus more green, but environmental advocates on campus say the move might not be enough.
The university's Oakdale Campus — located northwest of Iowa City — will soon start using a $7.3 million biomass boiler that will replace a gas-powered boiler. The new boiler burns woodchips.
Hurst Boiler | January 24, 2013
Hurst Boiler is part of an award-winning installation at the University of Iowa's Oakdale Research Park campus in Coralville, Iowa. As an integral part of UI' s Green Energy Initiative, which seeks to have 40 percent of its energy needs met with renewable resources by the end of 2020, the Hurst biomass boiler replaced the campus's natural gas boiler. Because the project was a retrofit, Hurst had to custom design the biomass boiler solution to fit into an existing structure.
Hurst Boiler | January 24, 2013
Hurst Boiler & Welding Co. Inc., stepped up production and fulfillment to meet the emergency boiler needs of areas affected by Hurricane Sandy.Representatives were on-call around the clock to receive and quick-ship orders for a variety of boilers and separators. | September 12, 2011
The EPA Regulatory Relief Act, which would allow additional time for the U.S. EPA to fix the Maximum Achievable Control Technology Rules, was approved Sept. 13 in the House Energy and Power Subcommittee. | June 18, 2011
What's green, grows on trees, creates jobs and supports healthier forests in rural America?
Hurst Boiler | October 23, 2010
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today announced the award of more than $4.2 million in grants to 13 small businesses and community groups developing innovative renewable energy projects and new product development using woody biomass from hazardous fuel reduction projects on National Forest land.
Biomass Magazine | February 2, 2010
The biofuels and biomass industries received nothing but good news Feb. 3, with the release of the long-awaited renewable fuels standard (RFS2) final rule, the first report generated by President Barack Obama's Biofuel Interagency Working Group, and the Biomass Crop Assistance Program proposed rule.
Engineered Systems Magazine | July 29, 2009
The government wanted to have one central location in the north that doesn't have to supply parts for 20 different kinds of boilers," said Fauteux. “This is a good move for their budget, because they can supply all the hospitals through one warehouse, because all the motors and drives are the same from place to place. There isn't a heavy budget for spare parts in each hospital.
American Council On Renewable Energy (ACORE) | July 26, 2009
WASHINGTON, DC - U.S. Department of Energy Secretary Steven Chu today announced more than $54 million in funding from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to support energy efficiency and renewable energy projects in Nevada, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Wisconsin.
BBI International | March 31, 2009
Obama administration calls for aggressive biomass spending LAKEWOOD, Colorado — The American economy is in the grip of a crisis unparalleled since the Great Depression. As part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 presented to Congress, President Obama has included $58 billion to be devoted to energy investments in the coming years — of that, at least $800 million would be directed specifically at biomass-driven energy projects.
Hurst Boiler | February 28, 2009
Fuels for Schools was started in Vermont as a statewide initiative to promote and encourage the use of renewable, local natural resources to provide reliable heat for schools. It has since grown into a multistate program, and has recently expanded its scope beyond schools
American Council On Renewable Energy (ACORE) | February 24, 2009
The American Council On Renewable Energy (ACORE) and the renewable energy industries in America are delighted to have a new administration committed to advancing renewable energy with a plan to create new clean energy jobs with a goal to double alternative energy production in the next three years.
Associated Press | January 15, 2009
ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP)—Gov. Sarah Palin has crossed swords with conservation groups over petroleum drilling, but she earned nothing but praise Friday after announcing the most ambitious renewable energy goal in the nation. | January 8, 2009
The Savannah River National Lab, Aiken, S.C., recently replaced a 1950's era coal-burning steam generating plant with a state-of-the-art facility that will burn biomass, mostly wood from the local logging industry. The original plant was too large, so Savannah managers often had to vent much of the steam, which reduced its efficiency. The new plant has two state-of-the-art HURST 30,000 lb/ hr steam boilers, one burning biomass, and the other fuel oil. The fuel-oil boiler is a standby for maintenance periods and peak demands. The plant cost $10 million to build, but should save $1.5 million annually in reduced operating and maintenance costs, as well as less energy consumption. It also meets new Clean Air and Water Act standards.
Hurst Boiler | December 17, 2008
The latest edition in our biomass boiler series is the Hurst Reciprocating Grate Stoker with automated ash removal.
U.S. Energy Information Administration | December 17, 2008
The Annual Energy Outlook 2009 (AEO2009) reference case released today by the Energy Information Administration presents updated projections for U.S. energy consumption and production through 2030
Grainnet | November 18, 2008
Wayne, PA—The federal investment in ethanol over the past three decades has yielded billions of dollars of economic gain, according to a report released November 17 from economic consulting firm LECG, LLC.
ScienceDaily | July 27, 2008
University of Georgia researchers have developed a new technology that promises to dramatically increase the yield of ethanol from readily available non-food crops, such as Bermudagrass, switchgrass, Napiergrass—and even yard waste.
Ethanol Magazine | July 24, 2008
Cambridge-based Verenium Corp., a cellulosic ethanol enzyme developer and producer, is collaborating with Tokyo-based Marubeni Corp. to continue the advancement of cellulosic ethanol facilities in Asia.
Herald Tribune | July 23, 2008
After years of false starts, a new industry selling motor fuel made from waste is getting a big push in the United States, with the first commercial sales possible within months.
Biodiesel Magazine | July 22, 2008
Algae biofuels in Hawaii are one step closer to reality with the announcement of the joint development of a commercial-scale microalgae facility on the island of Maui.