Available in Steam or Hot Water Versions 15 - 800 Bhp Pressures to 300 psig
- Three-pass design
- 81% minimum efficiency
- Davited rear doors
- Low maintenance
- 5 sq. ft. heating surface/HP
- Durable design
- Heavily constructed
Standard Features
- Boiler is of three pass dry back, scotch type, built and stamped in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, and listed by the National Board of Boilers and Pressure Vessel Inspectors.
- Large combustion chamber with low heat release for complete combustion.
- Rear smoke box includes slip-on stack connector and features hinged and davited rear door (all sizes) with 16" dia. access door with 2" observation port (80 Hp & larger).
- Front doors are hinged, bolted and insulated (80 Hp & larger) to provide ready access to all firetubes.
- Large 12" x 16" manholes are standard on larger units (40 Hp & up). Cleanout hand holes 3" x 4" are furnished in the bottom of the boiler shell.
- Insulated with 2" high-density fiberglass, the shell is covered with 22 gauge grip jacketing and spray baked on powder coat finish.
- 2 1/2" dia. steel firetubes (2" dia. through 30 Hp) are rolled and beaded on power boilers, expanded and flared on low pressure boilers.
- Twin lifting lugs are securely welded to the top of the shell. Heavy steel support legs on skids provide support for the boiler & burner.
Standard Steam Trim
- Operating & high limit pressure control
- Modulating pressure control on modulating burners
- Water column with gauge glass, trycocks. Combination low water cut-off and pump controller
- Probe Aux, L.W.C.O.
- Steam pressure gauge with syphon and test cock
- Stack Thermometer
- Water column drain valve
- Safety relief valve(s) per ASME code
Standard Water Trim
- Operating & high limit temperature control
- Modulating control on boilers with modulating burners
- Probe type low water cut-off control
- Combination pressure, altitude, temperature gauge
- Stack thermometer
- Hot water return baffle for thermal shock resistance
- Safety relief valve(s) per ASME code