Central Steam Boiler Plant for a Rural Hospital at Colquitt County Regional Medical Center
With the facility experiencing increased demand for services, Colquitt Regional Medical Center (CRMC) in Moultrie, Georgia, saw the potential for more efficiently, and effectively providing patient and community services by redesigning/reconfiguring some of the existing facilities and equipment. Hurst Boiler devised and engineered a two-phase plan that involved building a totally separate structure some 250 feet away from the existing medical center, connected by an underground piping and conduit "umbilical". Phase I would build the new plant. In Phase II the existing plant would be demolished in-part, and renovated, after the new plant and systems were online. By taking a team approach, the hospital achieved a reduction of approximately $6 Million dollars in the total project cost
3 or 4 PASS SCOTCH MARINE DESIGN with Wetback Construction/Combustion. Fuel: Gas or Oil with Combo Electric
Boiler World Africa
Increase Your Boiler's Efficiency with Hurst Stackmaster
Engineered to fit easily in a 40 ft shipping container.
A General Mills mill burns oat hulls as a clean, renewable energy.
Steam, Hot Water, Wood, Biomass and Waste Fired Boilers
High Efficiency Integrated Control Systems
Central Steam Boiler Plant for a Rural Hospital at Colquitt County Regional Medical Center
New Parkland Hospital Central Utility Plant (CUP)
Tommy Hurst at 2012 Power-Gen International Show
Eagle Creek Growers go green with Hurst Biomass system
UI continues sustainability push with new biomass boiler
HVAC Solution - powerful software to streamline your mechanical systems design.
Take control of your Hurst Boiler installation with powerful software
HURST Integrated Control Systems Demo Module